CliqueClack TV

Greek does big brother and little brother

cappie-evan-dale-greekInteresting episode, with a lot of time paid to the aforementioned relationships, many of which will hopefully play a starring role in the series from here on out.

But first to the rest: Dale was missing again. What the hell? Sure, Rusty mentioned him in passing as having seen Jesus’ face in a pile of lawn clippings, a plot which the show followed through on, but no Clark Duke is a week without laughter. Beaver, however, does provide some comic relief whenever he’s around … how perfect that he’s not allowed to take on a little brother? The reason was kind of anticlimactic, but the thought rocked.

ZBZ and its members are starting to seriously irritate me. Ashleigh sucks as president, and I’m not quite sure how the house hasn’t gone broke and lost its charter yet. Rebecca is now a third member of the Ashleigh/Casey relationship, and that just sucks, too. And Casey? Talk about boring! Where’s her personality?

Rusty’s starting to get a little weird (relative to his normal). It seems almost as if the show is setting him up to become pledge to Andy’s (Jesse McCartney) active, which is just kind of dumb. It would give Rusty a recurring storyline that I’ve been looking forward to him moving beyond. Plus, we’ll just end up with more of Rusty lashing out against Andy, without being the guy we’ve grown to love. What’s happening to the Cartwrights?

In other non-brother news, I threw up a little when Frannie told Evan that she and his mother were text buddies. Thank God she should be disappearing before too long: with her out of the ZBZ house and not dating Evan any longer (fingers crossed!), her only role will be as Casey’s nemesis, which will be minimal. Somebody’s listening!

Also, Cappie and Evan (reluctantly) put in some time together, and I have to say that I really enjoy them. I know why they’re feuding, but here’s hoping they reunite as bros. There’s a chemistry between the two that can’t be written; it’s a natural connection between the actors, and I can only hope the show goes somewhere with it. Maybe a secret friendship?

This week we also met Evan’s brother, Patrick (Robert Hoffman). Obviously, as the familial black sheep, Patrick was in town for money. It’s the arc the show’s been hastily stacking for Evan. But when Evan said he’s been buying himself out of trouble since getting his trust? There’s almost no foundation for the new direction Evan’s heading in. What’s with all of the half-baked ideas? I like Evan leaving Frannie and maybe finding happiness with a townie, hopefully even building a life for himself outside of his family’s rules. However, they simply haven’t laid the groundwork solidly enough for him to reach the breaking point now. Maybe by the end of the season, but this is jumping the gun.

Rusty and Andy could potentially build towards being a solid pillar of the show, assuming that Rusty can move past his pettiness and Andy can work a little harder towards not being the big man on campus that he no longer is as a pledge. What I did love, however, was how Rusty becoming a big bro brought his relationship with Cappie into focus. Cappie is really awesome, and he so often shows a side of himself that just tells you that this guy is no stunted frat boy who refuses to grow up. When we see the real Cappie, you just want him to run to Casey and show her who he can be. Then maybe she’ll wake up from her science-induced delirium that is her relationship with Max (Michael Rady). The show clicks just fine without him anyway, week after week.

Which bro-ship (I’m anti the widely accepted slang) makes Greek hum for you?

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Greek does big brother and little brother”

April 22, 2009 at 10:22 AM

Dale missing sucks.
ZBZ has always been the weak link in the show.

I think the show is going down some lame storylines you can see from miles away. Evan lied to the new girl about who he is, how long before she freaks out, or that she knew all along but just wants the money? Ashleigh will most likely lose the presidency because she is screwing the help. I love the fact they gave her a boyfriend but they couldn’t find anyone better besides the maid? Casey will find out that Max stayed behind for her and that will destroy their relationship and most likely send her back to Cappie. Cappie is the only one holding this show together, he is loving and fun, and funny.

April 22, 2009 at 11:25 AM

I agree. Why is this a common problem that these great innovative shows face, falling into slumps? It’s like Army Wives; great first season, and the second season became very soap opera-y. I’m not sure why it’s so difficult to keep the level of creativity up.

April 22, 2009 at 4:24 PM

I think they try to hard and then take the easy way out. I’m hoping it’s the end of the Andy and Rusty liking the same girl plot. She likes Andy (Who I think is a great addiction) otherwise they wouldn’t make out every week. That storyline, the lack of Dale and Max are the only things that really bug me. Dale can easily be added more, problem solved, Andy and Rusty thing could end when Rusty finds another girl, another problem solved. However Max came back and there is NO point to him! He has only bee in every other episode. They could have just added him as a guest star to shake things up once and awhile.

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