CliqueClack TV

Extreme Home Makeover – Now I remember why I don’t watch it anymore

extreme-home-2Last Sunday night, Keith and I did something we rarely do: we turned on the TV to a show we don’t watch, just for some background noise. I personally hate having the television on if it isn’t a show we’re watching because it ruins any chance at getting anything done for me. It doesn’t take much for me to become a TV zombie.

It wasn’t long before I was sucked into Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, a show we used to watch regularly. I loved the house renovations they did — remember when they’d actually just renovate and add on, rather than wipe out the old structure and build from scratch? — and the sentimental stories touched the cockles of my heart.

So I was pretty excited to be visiting this show… or so I thought….

What I didn’t remember was the blubbering mess of tears I became at the end of every episode. Damn, if they don’t do that on purpose! Not only did we get to see the injured veteran get a truly wheelchair accessible house, but when they gave him that new wheelchair that allowed him to stand up I just about needed some Rescue Remedy. His kids didn’t even remember him standing, and his daughter was elated that he could make her dream come true and “walk” her down the aisle for her wedding someday.

And then he “danced” with his wife. C’mon, if that wasn’t good TV for the sappy, I don’t know what was.

This show really isn’t about the house, which I’ve read basically puts the new occupants into debt just paying the taxes alone. It’s about the great human moments, what caring people can do for each other (and a buck) if they have the means. It is amazing how Ty and his team touch the lives of these down-and-outers.

But I don’t want to watch it. Although I suppose I could always just put Preparation H on my eyelids the next day and carry on….

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Extreme Home Makeover – Now I remember why I don’t watch it anymore”

May 9, 2009 at 6:04 PM

I gave up watching it when everyone started screaming at the drop of a hat. It was bad enough in the first seasons when Ty was doing it but now the families are on that kick and it is really annoying. I tried to mute it and still watch but that seemed to make it worse somehow.

May 9, 2009 at 6:29 PM

I only like the first season where they actually redid a house in a week. Of course 200 people can build a house in 7 days.

May 10, 2009 at 9:22 AM

I don’t watch it anymore because of the ridiculous amount of tissues I was using!!!

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