CliqueClack TV

The cast shuffle continues on Greek

Greek jesse mccartney, jacob zacharSo, what can I say? Greek is going down the wrong path, man. It’s gotten so bad that I’ve even lost some of my enthusiasm for the show, and this coming from a huge fan. Is it that the producers feel their audience has grown too large (now under 850 thousand), and they want to sheer back the fat? Or has this all been some lame attempt at gaining a whole new audience demographic? If so, who are they hoping the new plots will attract? Soap fans?

There’s simply so much frustration when good, creative television goes bad. Now I understand how other people felt the year everyone says Lost went south (I just didn’t feel that way). You know they can do better. You’ve seen them do better. So, what the hell?

Dale dropped in this week, right on schedule. The only variation this time around was that he didn’t do very much. Come on! If you’re only going to utilize him every other week, at least give him hardcore plot, or lots of funny screen time. Instead, the only good thing (and it was great) about Clark Duke‘s script this week was his new relationship with rental agent Sheila (Kristen O’Meara), the barracuda who’s into purity pledges. But we didn’t even get to see them together!

Jesse McCartney was also delivered a script for this week’s episode, as Andy returned from the big football game … so that he and Rusty could fight over Jordan? Ugh! She’s not worth one of them, let alone both, their friendship, and Andy’s pledge pin. Please, Greek writers, don’t waste McCartney!

And that isn’t implicit permission to waste Cappie. My God! This week he was nothing more than a cop directing the flow of traffic. How could he have not been involved in numerous of the campus treasure returnings? That’s perfectly up Cappie’s alley, yet the powers that be left him out of any active role.

That overall plot, however, was just about the only high point of the episode. But it was bungled as well. To grandly build up a tale of KT plundering treasures from all across campus for centuries, and then have the frat just dump the items back in their places? A lot more could have been milked from the idea, possibly even for the rest of the season.

Some other highs and lows:

  • Calvin got some screen time this week, but back as a shoulder for Ashleigh to cry on. Did the writers just remember that these two are supposed to be close friends?
  • Max is off to Oxford! Here’s hoping it’s the show’s out for the character.
  • Calvin also got to waste his time gay-tutoring Rebecca. Did all the good writers quit during this last hiatus?
  • Are we really meant to care about Ashleigh and Fisher’s plight? Besides his character not being developed, we were provided with a very sound reason for their relationship remaining a secret, weeks ago. Did the writers just plum forget?
  • In a moment that may mean redemption for him, Evan saves the KT house. Might there be a Evan and Cappie reconciliation in the works?
  • Will we see Wade still handcuffed next week, or do enough of the KT-ers own sex cuffs to release him?
  • The Omega Kais were forced to leave the bust of their founder back at the KT house. Will it still end up at the bottom of the Cyprus River?
  • Beaver must be a fan of The Office; he used “That’s what she said” twice!

What a shame! Let’s at least leave on a little high note to try and preserve our feelings of love for this once mighty giant:

Rusty brought Max a going-away present: Mama Kettlewell’s Preserves. As Rusty tells Max and Casey, Dale always says that, “Everyone could use a little K-well jelly on their biscuit.” I think he ruined breakfast for me.

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “The cast shuffle continues on Greek”

May 13, 2009 at 12:41 PM

I like Jordan, she is cute, now if they can only find something for her character to play besides “bitch who can’t make up her mind”.

Frankly I have nothing to say, the characters are now 2D instead of the lifelike characters we had in the past. The only thing I can think of is that ABC Family threatened the writers to increase ratings and make the show a soap, which is clear that it’s failing. This is going down the same path as Kyle XY, great show, falls apart, I stop caring and it get’s canceled.

My favorite line was from Calvin.

“I kissed a girl… and I liked it. What does that mean?” – The new lesbian
“It means you can write a pretty bad pop song.” – Calvin

May 13, 2009 at 12:53 PM

I liked that line, too. I missed writing it down because I was trying to wake my wife up. The episode didn’t interest her much either.

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