CliqueClack TV

Did Greek just give us a glimmer of hope?

jacob_zachar greekI don’t know about you, but I’ve been none too happy with the direction things have been moving in on Greek, and I haven’t been shy about sharing that opinion with you all. When one of your favorites stumbles, you pounce like a Meer cat on … on whatever Meer cats pounce.

But, hark, what’s this? Could it be a sign of life?

While nothing’s official, and I have yet to make any party plans, this past episode of Greek gave me a little something to smile about. No, it wasn’t the continuing saga of Casey and Cappie. Nor was it Evan cutting his parents off after having his trust fund put on hold. Although, I must say, I do like how Evan doesn’t get caught up on pretenses. When Omega Kai’s parade float exploded in a shower of beer, he laughed it off, even after spying his parents’ disapproval. I think his “life with money” issue is being blown way out of proportion, but he isn’t one to get bogged down in others’ expectations.

But, anyway, that’s still not what I saw shining in the dark. Wanna know what it was?

It was Rusty! That’s right; our lovesick young Kappa Tau, who up until now has been lost in his very own soap opera, subtitled “the Jordan chronicles”, finally got some quality time in with his brothers. Sure, we’d never seen him and Heath (when did Zack Lively put on so much weight?) hang out, but, being brothers and all, it wasn’t too much of stretch.

And, I loved the fact that Rusty had a chance to be himself again. Left alone to his old brainy hijinx, Rusty can be quite the devilish creature. While Casey killed his buzz a bit with her “Garden of Eden” theme, we still had the chance to see a tiny bit of what made Rusty so great in the past. And I, for one, was thankful for it.

Because, that’s really what’s been missing: none of the characters on the show have had the opportunity to be themselves of late. In fact, the only one who’s stayed in character, Ashleigh, is exactly the person who needed to make some changes upon assuming the ZBZ presidency. Is it even debatable that Casey’s the real sorority house president? What hit me this week was how Ashleigh’s taking Rachel’s (Friends) maturation ride in reverse; from the finale back to the pilot, strong and mature to snobby and naive. Isn’t college a place for growth?

Meanwhile, everyone else has assumed a new identity, and it sucks. Greek is a character show, a relationship show, a funny show. But, when the main pieces that fit into that puzzle are altered, and then shoved back together, it doesn’t really make for a very good picture. To be honest, I’m not even sure who the writers think they’re attracting with the new direction, because, based on what you’ve been saying, it’s certainly not longtime fans.

Instead of going there, let’s take solace in this: Rusty’s still in there. Take away his distractions, and let him focus on polymer science and the KTs, and we shall once again experience the boy-child that we once knew.

And, who knows? Maybe everyone else is hiding somewhere nearby, too. Maybe all we have to do is wait.

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Did Greek just give us a glimmer of hope?”

June 10, 2009 at 4:24 PM

I loved Greek the first season and particularly the flashback episode Freshman Daze where the dynamic between between three of the main characters (Evan/Cappie/Casey) was very good.
But now whereas i still love Dale, the Kappa Tau vibe, every interactions between Evan and Cappie (the actors’s chemistry is just well done),the trio Dale/Calvin/Rusty but i don’t like lot’s of things.

Actually i don’t like the girls’s characters on Greek.
Do the writers on this show know how to write women/girls ? I am starting to doubt…ok i get they are sorority girls but they are so shallow, self-centred even Jordan who was supposed to be different is just flat, wooden, cheesy.
The guys are appaling, the girls no…it’s simple and it’s disturbing to watch (above all when you are a girl).

Greek since the beginning draw one’s inspiration from Veronica Mars for many things but certainly not for the girls !!! Why ? Why in Cyprus Road there is not one girl who can be smart,strong,witty,sassy,sarcastic, who know outsmart guys and who is not interested in shopping ??? (i miss Veronica, Mac even Parker…) Give us sexy tomboys greek to challenge Cappie and co please ! One time i expected Casey could be this girl but i was wrong : now she is just annoying (cappie..max..cappie..max).
I love less and less this show and it’s sad.

June 11, 2009 at 5:53 PM

The flashback was fantastic, and it made me regret that the series didn’t start back then. Yes, we would have had to wait two years for Rusty and Dale (how many seasons is that, Oreo?), but Evan and Cappie in their freshman year? Awesome.

Casey actually evolved into shallow and self-centered, from a somewhat different character the first season. Even Ashleigh didn’t use to be that bad. And Jordan, as I’ve said, went from shy girl, to new kid, to pledge, to athletic, to pledge … I don’t think the writers have decided yet who she should be.

June 10, 2009 at 4:33 PM

No one here likes the female characters on the show, besides Jordan, but I think she is cute. :)

The show had some hope in it with the parade storyline, but still the episode was just too full of all the soup opera bullshit. Plus I have heard things about next season and it doesn’t sound that great.

I think Andy should still be a minor character and show up time to time.

I’m sad that Calvin’s ex boyfriend is leaving soon! He is a great side character, and I think he would make good friends with Calvin, much more so than the new gay guy he is roomed with now that looks like he is 34.

There are signs of life, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

June 11, 2009 at 5:48 PM

Always the cynic. I said “glimmer”! And, I didn’t say the episode wasn’t without the same old problems, just that Rusty was back to his old self.

Andy should still be around, but I’m assuming McCartney couldn’t commit to something long-term. It’s too bad.

I like Heath too, and I’m not sure why the writers had no interest in him and Calvin having a relationship. Wouldn’t it have made for good story to have a KT and an Omega Kai dating?

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