CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Moonlight Virgin: Vamp fights are cool


mick at a park

(Season One, Episodes 5 & 6)

Admittedly, I’ve been a bit harsh regarding this show. Maybe comparing it to that other vampire detective show, set in LA, with a brooding solitary lead, who has a psycho possibly (not) dead ex-girlfriend/vampire is unfair. For that, I apologize. I have tried to watch this week’s installments with a different eye. I will warn that I’m still not feeling the whole Beth and Mick thing. Them as a potential couple just doesn’t work, and things that occurred here didn’t really go too far to change that opinion.

“Arrested Development”

As much as I’ve talked about some of the thing I haven’t liked about the show, I think it would be more fair for me to point out some of the things I like. I’ve always been a fan of film noir. I love the tone of the show, how the main character is “of darkness” working “against darkness.” It’s a cool theme throughout literature that you don’t have to be good to fight for good. Oh, and I like voiceovers. Especially when he gets sarcastic.

What I can’t imagine is being stuck as a teenaged vampire throughout eternity. You would think that superpowers would include a cure to acne, but he doesn’t even get that perk. He just gets to live life, forever, with the libido of a 16 year old boy. I once lived with the libido of a 16 year old boy for, well, about a year, and I can tell you that its an experience not worth repeating. Unless I could be a Logan Echols style vampire, count me out.

Oh, and the fight scene on the Santa Monica Pier (it was the Pier, right) on the roller coaster was one part awesome, one part scary as hell. Amusement park safety is a bit of my bailiwick, so it was intense, but at the same time not exactly realistic (Well, neither are the vampire parts, so what the hell). Public Safety Announcement: Fighting while jumping around roller coaster tracks could be hazardous to your health.

I didn’t like the fate arc that was thread throughout, though. It was a bit forced and even silly at times. Beth kissing Mick at the end didn’t help. While I might find the boyfriend pointless and boring, he still is the boyfriend. So pick one, choose one, love one (yeah, so I steal … so what?).


mickAs an apology for my negativity in my previous posts, I have provided this picture for all the girls and boys back home (mostly the girls). The tone of most of the comments of the previous two entries in the Diary has indicated that the readers would appreciate it, and I, if I am not anything, one who aims to please. So enjoy … Just, not, you know, too much.

I will also quote the great playwright Checkov, “If you introduce Kevin Wiseman in the first act, you need to use him by the third.” (Fact check it, baby. That’s what he really said). Why the hell would you cast Wiseman (in two episodes now), and not give him more to do than hold a video camera? It’s a total waste of a great genre actor.

Josef manipulates Mick the entire episode, not being truly honest about his history with Lola. But it doesn’t affect their friendship. They accept each other for who they are, and they make no bones about it. That’s a pretty cool and evolved friendship. I guess when you can act like you’re in your 30s despite having been friends for twice that long, then you’re in pretty good shape. When you see that kind of relationship, and compare it to others, though, it makes the others look sad.

The boyfriend went from boring to douche in 6.5 seconds. He’s an Assistant DA dating an Investigative Reporter. Its her job to follow leads, and him telling her to back off just isn’t going to work. If he thinks so, then he’s not only boring and the heir to the Massengill fortune, he’s also stupid.

I wish I could start a Pirate Army. Wouldn’t that be cool?

Diary of a Moonlight virgin: OK, I might be cheating just a little
Diary of a Moonlight virgin – Beth: tastes great or less filling?

Photo Credit: CBS

3 Responses to “Diary of a Moonlight Virgin: Vamp fights are cool”

June 16, 2009 at 12:40 PM

The show is about to take an interesting turn with the next episode. So, hopefully you will enjoy it more. Maybe I really enjoyed it because it was my first vampire show. I hadn’t seen Buffy or TB before Moonlight. Nor had I read any of the Twilight books or seen the movie.

Actually, Moonlight is the reason I read the Twilight books. When it was canceled, Twilight was recommended to get over the loss of such a great show :)

June 17, 2009 at 12:32 AM

Ok, it will grow on you. The show started slow but literally races to the end. Unfortunately it WAS the end.

I’m with you on the Nick/Beth deal…I tried…it was sweet at times, but I never felt the heat.

June 24, 2009 at 1:11 AM

Ep. 5 did not do anything for me actually — the teen vamp was not that sympathetic — so it was actually the kiss at the end that was the life saver for me. I thought it was very cute.

I agree Josh was working my last good nerve in ep. 6. Beth IS a reporter and you’re going to try to tell her not to do a report on a sudden death? I don’t think so. But the biggest surprise (that I LOVED btw) was that when Beth was all hyped up on BC, did she run to Josh? No — she sought out her favorite new vampire, Mick. You can’t tell me that shower scene wasn’t fully clothed hotness!

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