CliqueClack TV

Hey, HawthoRNe, where did that come from?

HawthoRNe castIn an unlikely turn of events, I’m happy to report that I was very pleasantly surprised with last nights episode of HawthoRNe. I mean, I still haven’t set that all-coveted season pass on my TiVo, but, still. Nice work.

You see, I’ve actually discovered a trick to enjoying the show: ignore the characters. Now I know, I know, that seems kind of ridiculous, but, hear me out on this one.

There’s nothing wrong with (most of) the main characters on the show. But there’s also little that’s compelling about most of their stories. I think that’s what was confusing me the last two weeks: where was the substance? And then it dawned on me: it’s in the hospital.

I’ve never been a fan of ER, nor did I watch Chicago Hope back in its day. So I really have no TV medicine background upon which to draw on. And, guess what? HawthoRNe assumes as much. Sure, it may be rudimentary for you vets, but the show is starting in medical drama 101: last night we had the case of the comatose woman whose son couldn’t pull the plug, and the baby who came into the ER after seizing, with the single mother who has suspicion cast upon her. The basics.

But, for me, it’s new. So, for me to ignore the characters and watch the medicine, I actually feel as if I’m seeing something for the first time. For those of you who’ve been there with the docs, but like the characters? This is a character-driven show, so there you go. It’s win-win for us all.

I was, however, able to get on-board with Christina Hawthorne (Jada Pinkett Smith), administrative personnel, this week. I’ve felt before that it was unlikely she’d be regularly actively involved in patient care; her taking charge of the woman in the coma this week stunk of a little too much heavy-handedness, but it was a Chief Nursing Officer (still don’t get that title) as she should be. Or, at least more so.

The only characters that truly bother me are Candy (Christina Moore) and Ray (David Julian Hirsh). Well, more Ray this week, but I still find Candy to be a bit too clueless. Did anyone else get Love Boat shenanigan déjà vu while watching their scenes together? I don’t know, but something felt very throwback to that entire episode.

Anyway, I just feel like the two of them are so busy with nonsense, that they’re unlikely to really be focusing on their work. I appreciated that Ray stayed after-hours to watch a movie with that patient, but, and this is his own fault, he seems a lot more like an orderly than a nurse. He’s a bit of a buffoon. Whereas, Candy just seems to be cast in a “pretty girl” role. To serve what purpose?

So, yeah! I won’t say I’m eagerly awaiting the next episode, but I think I could see myself enjoying HawthoRNe, at least in an off-season like summer. A few observations and/or questions:

  • Anyone who also watches Nurse Jackie notice how much better training Kelly (Vanessa Lengies) appears to be getting, versus Zoey (Merritt Wever)? At least Kelly is hands-on.
  • What is it about our nature that compels us to jump to conclusions and overreact? As a parent, I suppose I can appreciate that the hospital was looking out for the welfare of a baby, but also as a parent, I would be suing the hospital and the police for kidnapping my baby. Why do people not stay mad on TV? (see also, for recent example, Hank not simply walking away from the mother of that kid with the tick bite on Royal Pains, after curing him.) It’s a recurring trait on television that I believe has no basis in reality. At least not mine. And, I’m not talking about holding capricious grudges … just being human.
  • How could the daughter have authorized pulling that woman’s plug, as per her wishes, when her wishes also specifically indicated that she wanted the son to do it? I got the impression that there was a living will. Christina may have overstepped by making a makeshift room out of a storage closet, but she should also possibly be arrested for murder. How could they have done that?
  • While Camille’s (Hannah Hodson) video was touching, it’s not an essay, and it doesn’t negate the fact that she disobeyed her mother. Why do people on television never care about that stuff?

Anyway, tune in next week. I sure will.

Photo Credit: TNT

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “Hey, HawthoRNe, where did that come from?”

July 2, 2009 at 12:05 PM

God help us all if Christina ever has an affair.

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