CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Moonlight virgin: Deaths, kidnappings, and vampire slackers

Meredith Monroe

(Season One, Episode 11 & 12)

A whole lot of plot development occurred in these two episodes. I’m finally rid of Josh (though, now I’m not so sure it’s a good thing), and we get a glimpse of what the real Coraline might be. Just a couple of episodes left before the shortened end of the show, and I’m starting to see why people talked about the grander arc that was beginning to be developed.

“Love Lasts Forever”

Funny story (well, funny to me): I’m visiting my family for the Fourth, and my mom was around when I watched this episode (She was a BIG Moonlight fan). When the teaser started, and Mick was ‘working out’ (because really, who does pull ups using stairs), she made the comment, “Great opening scene.” By the time the boyfriend got jumped by the creeps intimidating him to drop his case, I felt the exact same way.

So Coraline’s blood has no anomalies. Well except that its incredibly rare (and matches Beth), and its supposedly much younger (based on accumulated toxins) than adult, most likely child’s blood. I’m sorry, if I were a vampire detective, the very first question out of my mouth would be, “Um, can you guess or estimate how old?” However, I guess it may just a minor point, but it was the first thing I thought of.

Because I’ve wanted Josh to die for so long, does that make me complicit in his death (CliqueClack TV has been known to kill people in the past. True story)? I don’t know how this changes the dynamic, but Mick refusing to turn him as a way of saving him has got to throw a wrench in the “I want to spend the rest of my life with Beth” plan that he had working.

When Beth asked Mick why he goes on living if he hates what he is, I yelled out, “Because of the Shanshu prophesy!!!” I figured if I avoided an Angel reference, then I could get away with one this week. Instead of parroting old books, he basically says that he did a lot of bad things as a vampire, and he wants to make up for them. Yeah, because that’s a big difference.

“The Mortal Cure”

Not digging the stylized beginning of the episode. I’m not against directors and DPs taking some liberties with cinematography, but in this case it didn’t work. I couldn’t tell if Beth was supposed to be seeing Josh in the faces of other people, or just be totally freaked out.

Ok, I know I just GUSHED over Meredith Monroe in my latest House Virgin Diary, and now she’s back? Good luck timing on my part I guess, even if her appearance here is very limited. And by limited, I almost mean, “Why bother?” but just almost.

So, there’s now this intricate backstory about how the French Revolution was just a big vampire hunt. Coraline was part of all of that, but sacrificed herself to have her brother spare Mick. And who is the ‘him’ that they referred to? I could care less about the whole ancestry plot in general, but I am curious as to what kind of evil scares Coraline and Josef like that.

I’m still curious if there’s some connection between Beth and Coraline. Last episode mentioned the blood types, but only in passing, and it wasn’t really mentioned again. With Coraline and Josh out of the picture (and Mick human, albeit temporarily), I’m afraid that the barriers between my least favorite coupling are pretty much lifted.

Diary of a Moonlight virgin: Ok, I might be cheating a little
Diary of a Moonlight virgin: Beth: Tastes Great or Less Filling?
Diary of a Moonlight virgin: Vamp fights are cool
Diary of a Moonlight virgin: Exs always have the most perfect timing
Diary of a Moonlight virgin: Best two episodes yet

Photo Credit: CBS

2 Responses to “Diary of a Moonlight virgin: Deaths, kidnappings, and vampire slackers”

July 7, 2009 at 5:56 PM

The best episodes are with Joseph
I expect to see Jason Dohring as a lead in a tv show or better in movie roles. He has “it”: i mean this “je ne sais quoi” to be a movie star.

July 8, 2009 at 2:42 AM

Now you are getting why this show has a following. The promise it showed in the second half of the second makes me sad for the stories I’d never know.

And I might say….how much money did they lose by not having a season two in the “year of all things vamp?”

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