CliqueClack TV

Greek goes dry for the weekend, and distilleries across the country shutter

Greek - Ashleigh in episode 3.4

The central plot of this week’s Greek was a “dry weekend.” The central plot. Yes, I know just how much these folks drink, but to make a weekend without alcohol into something akin to an almost insurmountable feat? I don’t care about the message it sends to the 18-22 year-olds watching right now; I just think it’s really pathetic.

Nevertheless, there were a lot of good moments this week, a clear sign that Greek is going strong into this season. I can only continue to guess that it was the existence of Max and Frannie that made last season worse, but I know there must be other things too. I suppose they’re more nuanced, though, like more appropriate stories for one character, or more humorous lines for another. Either way, it’s working. And on top of that we had some Dale and no Jordan this week! Perfect.

I wonder what the writers have against Casey/Cappie, and our happiness. Not only do they not appear to be moving forward, but a rekindling of Casey/Evan seems imminent. I do like their dynamics, but the guy cheated on her with Rebecca, dumped her, started dating Frannie, paid off a guy to leave her alone … some things are just not meant to be, no matter how much that person’s changed.

Ashleigh’s story is annoying, and another head-scratcher. Yes, Fisher (Andrew J. West) was a great guy, save for one moment, but there was that one moment. Done … next! Is the moral lesson on this show that cheaters keep on getting another shot?

Calvin’s also in a kind of weak story. I think Grant (Gregory Michael) exists more as a twist than as anything serious for him in terms of love. Grant will both help Calvin evolve as a character, and cause him a lot of drama at the Omega Kai house, but I get the feeling that the writers weren’t thinking of Calvin/Grant the way they thought of Rusty/Jordan. If they do this for real I think Calvin belongs with Heath.

Cappie and Rusty had some decent guy time, and under hilarious circumstances. And, while I think that the whole dry weekend struggles were ridiculous, it was still really funny that Beaver and Wade (Derek Mio) showed up at the book signing, being all “sciency,” just to get alcohol.

Other notables:

  • Cappie witnesses his first nerd-on-nerd hazing, when he learns that the polymer scientists call Rusty “Anchor.”
  • Dale packing up all of his Christian statuettes and other various items was not only a sign of the apocalypse, but also the beginnings of what could be some great meat for Clark Duke.
  • The KTs stole Rusty’s birthday money from his Nana!
  • Dale and Cappie hugging was beautiful. Just beautiful.
  • Evan came clean to Casey about talking to Cappie (once) and about stopping him from going to see her. Will that hit her harder when she sobers up? Will it make a difference to her and Cappie that he intended to find her that night?
  • Evan cracking up in Katherine’s (Nora Kirkpatrick) face when she says “hi” (as in, “high”).

And, of course, some always-faithful quotes:

“It’s huge; you could fit like a person in there.” – Grant’s girlfriend Whitney, about the closet in his room

“Computer stores; ethnic restaurants; the moon?” – The KTs’ thoughts on where smart people can be found

“I come from a long line of sea men.” – Rusty, on the derivation of his nickname, Anchor.

“You’re David Wang?” – Girl at the book signing
“Yes; yes I am. I was adopted by two gay dudes … from China.” – Cappie

“I’m not down with JC anymore.” – Dale

“And she may be afraid of trees, but when push comes to shove she doesn’t let you drink the shampoo, no matter how good it smells.” – Evan to Katherine, about Casey

Finally, my 3.5 for 13 are still holding up, plus with what looks to be the beginnings of concrete movement on numbers 7 (Evan pining for Casey), 12 (Rusty and Cappie hanging out), and further developments for #13 (Evan and Cappie outing their relationship), I’m officially calling it 4 for 13. What am I now batting, for all you non-math people? Still no .500, but a healthy .308!

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Greek goes dry for the weekend, and distilleries across the country shutter”

September 22, 2009 at 4:09 PM

Ok i flove totally Evan/Casey scenes : they have a really good comic timing dynamic and it’s refreshing to see these characters without angst ridden between them.
I don’t think there will be romantic pairing for them (at least not this but rather friendly bonding with Cappie…yes yes i want the three musketeers !!
Casey-Cappie together as a couple it’s for soon i am pretty sure so don’t worry.
I love Dale as always.
And i love Katherine : yes the new vilian is cool, the actress nailed it (for the record i hated cartoonish vilian Franny !)
Homer Simpson comes back : i love.
Fisher-Ashley : rather lame.
Pretty good episode.

September 23, 2009 at 1:02 PM

Before this week, it never would have dawned on me to imagine a Casey/Evan reunion. But I think that the writers plan to get the three musketeers back, and then re-play freshmen year for us. A lot of fans loved the flashback episode, and I think the writers might be setting us up to see it all happen again right before our eyes. Build them back up to tear them back down, only this time something different in the end; maybe Casey and Cappie together and Cappie and Evan still friends?

September 22, 2009 at 11:16 PM

Every time Katerine talks in that annoying voice i want to punch her. Anyway, good ep. I loved Casey & Evan high… aw memories… Damn, i was going to put something else, but totally forgot lost my train on thought. oh well, if i remember, i’ll just post again.

Also, Aryeh, a week or 2 back i asked why you haven’t watched Supernatural (i finally checked back on that post. there should be some system in place like on TVSquad where we can look at our past comments) & you put this:

“Nope – no horror, science fiction, or supernatural stuff for me. I’m okay with that. ;-)”

Just letting you know, i was the same way with the show. My roommate was watching one day & said he was getting scared by the show (he doesn’t scare easily) so i swore it off, but one day i started watching from the beginning & was instantly hooked. At least give it 3 eps. have someone in the room with you if need be, but give the show a shot, you won’t regret it.

September 23, 2009 at 1:06 PM

Yeah, Judith, I have to agree with xnifex here. I don’t know about the violence ;), but I can’t stand Katherine. Why does she have to be such a bitter, angry person?

I actually saw the pilot of Supernatural when it first aired and I was giving the show a try. It might be super-incredible, but I just can’t. A few years ago I was watching season one of Lost on DVD to prepare for season two, and one or two nights I fell asleep with it on. The Lost theme music and whisper undertones play over and over when the DVD reverts to a menu … I had nightmares and “ghost” sightings for weeks. I can’t do it, man. ;)

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