CliqueClack TV

What do so many f–kin reality stars swear so f–kin much?

Yet another Atlanta Housewives fight

Hey, assh—s! I have a f–kin question to ask you. What’s the G– damn deal with all the motherf–kin swearing that goes takes place on those s–tty reality programs? I mean, they swear so f–kin much that it’s f–kin hard to f–kin hear them say a G– damn word! What the F–k?

And, that’s one of my pet peeves with reality programming. That, and the fact that reality programming is still around and keeps propagating like a horny rabbit on Viagra. Be that as it may, if reality programming is still around, I wonder if all the swearing is helping it out. Especially since you can’t understand a friggin’ word they say sometimes.

A perfect example of this is the well-publicized catfight on this season of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Atlanta. For what seemed like 15 minutes there was nothing but beeps coming out of the mouths of Kim, Kandi and NeNe as they called each other names, pulled at each others hair, and scratched each other’s eyes out. I may be wrong, but there isn’t that much swearing in a porn movie featuring the same scene (except that they’re naked, covered in oil). When you can say that the language in a porno is cleaner than a reality program, it means the world is going topsy-turvy.

Frankly, I found this scene, as well as others in the world of reality, hard to watch, and not because the “real-life” acting was poor. It was hard to watch because I couldn’t grasp the context of the argument. Sure, it was mentioned very quickly at the beginning of the discussion, but it was completely lost as the beeps began beeping. By the time the fight went outside, I had completely forgotten what the whole thing was about.

Yes, I understand that reality programming is designed to show people’s lives in the raw. But, this seems a bit too much. How can we connect with these folks if we don’t hear a word they’re saying. If the show creators, or the “actors” themselves, are doing it to enhance the drama, then it’s a bad idea. Instead of feeling good or bad about an individual person, all you feel is confusion as to what the hell they said.

Either it’s time to reign in some of the cussin’ or just drop the beeps all together and let them swear to their heart’s content. We’ll hear the swears, but will eventually become numb to them. Soon enough, we’ll be able to understand what they’re talking about and maybe come to connect with them. I shudder to think about that!

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