CliqueClack TV

Greek – Oh me, oh my, lavaliere for Rust-eye

greek episode 3.5 - Rusty and Beaver

Yeah, I cheated on that one — so sue me.

Or direct your anger at Rusty. What are you thinking, boy? Jordan? This is when sounds of a truck backing up should be screaming in your head.

I think a large part of all of this is who he was pre-Jen K. Rusty’s years as a (relatively) less nerdy guy have left him a bit too over-the-top gung-ho about each and every one of his relationships. Maybe if Jordan had gotten that semester abroad — if she’s a freshman, that’s an absurd notion; if she’s a transfer-student sophomore? Still a might bit crazy for her to think about — they could/should have taken the time apart to reassess. Or just to see how strong their relationship really is. Oh well.

Which totally ignores the fact that when Jordan was talking to Casey about whether or not she could come back and finish pledging after time away, I totally thought she was contemplating suicide. Yes, that might be a little bit selfish of me (see #2), but so what?

I absolutely loved the fact that we got to see so much of Cappie and Evan together. As fluid as it was, it would have been really easy to forget that their relationship is only something that’s been alluded to since the show first aired. It’s great to actually experience how awesome they are together.

Not that I enjoyed the substance of their story that much. This is really all about Lana (alert for those of you waiting for Olivia Munn — she’s here!), and I have a bad feeling that things are going to devolve into yet another battle between them over a girl. Do we really want them to trade in their buddy-buddy for that? Again? Not I.

The whole KT-lavaliere curse was amusing, in a very KT sort of way. Although I think it was less about any curse, and more about Beaver being Beaver, that he swallowed the pendant. Who threw up when Beaver called for the pledges in the bathroom?

The ZBZ curse, or cycle years as it were, was something else entirely. I know the sorority stuff on Greek has a lot to do with shallowness and half-nakedness, but the entire point was that the pledge class wasn’t up to the aesthetic standards of previous years, or other houses. They proved themselves by turning Thanksgiving sexy? I know that some of you enjoyed it on a base level, but think about it a little deeper, and it’s just distasteful.

Great, great scene in the Greek-merchandise store with Rusty and Beaver. Although again, why involve Beaver in this? He’s hilarious, and I’m glad for our sakes, but Rusty might want to consider a different wingman.

No Calvin or Dale this week. Still, maintaining that I’m holding strong at .308 — and hoping for Jordan’s murder/suicide.

And, of course, quotes we got:

“Old people having old people sex.” – Rebecca’s summation of Private Practice

“What’s with the pink bowtie?” – Rusty
“Oh, just feeling fancy today.” – Cappie

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Greek – Oh me, oh my, lavaliere for Rust-eye”

September 29, 2009 at 4:35 PM

The best thing on this show right now : Cappie AND Evan !!
It’s a Logan Echolls mix = Evan look likes Logan, Cappie has the same type of personality has had Logan.
And i said that because now we are sure that Patrick Sean Smith (Greek creator) worships Rob Thomas (VM creator).
The list to prove it :
So the Evan/Cappie combination (awesome bromance chemistry by the way)
Beaver and the KT’s = Dick and his fraternity but more nice and kind
Pop culture, funny one liners, dry humor
Secret society
Guest stars : Ken Marino, Charisma Carpenter, Dan Castellaneta
Geek culture (imagine one second Mac and Dale in Geek battle)
Janette look likes Kristen Bell
and with this episode caterers Evan-Cappie = Party Down !!!!
I miss terribly VM but i am glad to find some VM gimmick/mojo, references whatever in this cool tv show that is Greek !!
And i like Casey/Katherine dynamic
The Miss Olivia Munn (i didn’t know her) is a pretty and refreshing girl.

September 29, 2009 at 6:43 PM

I’ve never seen Veronica Mars, so for me it’s all fresh. But I’m glad it gives you Veronica Mars fans something extra special! :)

September 29, 2009 at 6:27 PM

I finally watch the other three episodes from this season (the second one of which was awesome!) and I caught up to this garbage, it felt like last “chapter” with Jordan and Rusty being stupid.

Also the writers need to have either Calvin or dale in an episode, we can’t miss out of both of them. If the need to save money fire Jordan, no one needs her.

September 29, 2009 at 6:36 PM

Weren’t you a huge Jordan fan? Or at least relative to me?

September 29, 2009 at 6:50 PM

I don’t want her dead so yes compared to you I’m a huge fan. :) She is still the best female on the show, even through the others have gotten better, plus she is nice to look at. Just her and Rusty… I wish he would find a nice geeky girl to date.

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