CliqueClack TV

Community – BCI: Booty Call Implications

It's Valentine's Day at Greendale, and that can mean only one thing: Troy and Pierce in the ugliest pantsuits ever made, and plenty of drunk-dialing. Sounds like an average holiday to me.

- Season 01, Episode 16 - "Communication Studies"

Am I the only one who gets sad when the show doesn’t end with Troy and Abed? Granted, I’m pretty sure this is only the second or third time it’s happened, but the episode feels somehow incomplete when it’s anyone but the two of them. Speaking of which, I find it funny that we’ve had so much Troy and Abed bromance lately, but none at all in the Valentine’s day episode. Perhaps they were afraid that people wouldn’t understand their special brand of love.

Instead, we get some quality Jeff and Abed time. the montage of the two of them getting drunk was so well-done that I spent the entire time wanting to vomit. In fact, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if I woke up tomorrow with a little bit of a hangover. As much as I love Abed’s dedication to his craft, I’m a little worried that Jeff broke him so thoroughly that not only was he unable to make a proper Breakfast Club reference, but he couldn’t even make it to the Valentine’s Day dance. It must be tough to be such a visionary.

The whole drunk dialing thing kind of confused me. It’s obvious that Britta has been totally in love with Jeff for a while, but she doesn’t want to admit it to herself. They’re at the point where they could probably make it happen, but Jeff sticks with Slater instead of going after the girl he’s wanted all season. I don’t really get it. It’s the same thing that happened to Troy and Annie last week. Annie has been after Troy for years, but still chose Vaughn? It doesn’t seem that believable to me in any situation other than needing to drag it out longer for the show.

In fact, I’m growing tired of the whole “will they or won’t they” thing in general. Community has done a really good job lately of pushing the nonsense into the background and just letting Jeff and Britta be friends. Those interactions have been much more interesting, so I’m sad to see it veer back into the “I want to see you naked” territory if no one is actually going to see anyone naked.

What I’m really pulling for though, is for Shirley to find a man. Everyone has gotten a love interest except for Shirley and Abed, and Abed is doing okay on his own. Shirley, however, needs to bounce back from her divorce, and I’d love to see someone come on to help her out with that. Maybe Taye Diggs could spare some time? Who would you like to see?

Photo Credit: Trae Patton/NBC

Categories: | Community | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Community – BCI: Booty Call Implications”

February 11, 2010 at 10:24 PM

Who cares about the love stuff? What about Jeff’s development as a person? What about Jeff and Britta’s relationship growth – regardless of the love stuff? What about Troy and Pierce in lady pantsuits? What about the awesome Breakfast Club dance montage? Why do we have to distill every show down to who gets with whom? (who? – Jeff would know)

February 12, 2010 at 8:53 AM

I agree with everything you wrote.

@KateGee: Jeff joined Spanish Club because of Britta. Annie joined because of Troy. It IS a pretty big deal if the show doesn’t stick to its own rules and I totally agree with Kona that it’s only because the show needs to drag this out longer “Friends” style…

February 15, 2010 at 8:30 AM

I felt it was the usual dramatic trope of the fantasy crush being safely unattainable, and not nearly as desired once feelings were returned. Couple that with the fact that both Jeff and Annie are in good relationships with decent people right now, and no further progress can be made.

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