CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – Define “interesting”

It's Friday night! And Tara and Michael are clacking about commercials again. This time, we arm wrestle The World's Most Interesting Man!

Tara: My husband hates this guy.

Michael: I, on the other hand, am intrigued by The Most Interesting Man In The World. He’s rico suave.

Tara: Please! He’s older than dirt, and soooo not interesting! Prove it to me. If he’s so great, what sort of things could he do to improve our lives?

Michael: Well … for one thing, he was instrumental in causing Oprah to end her daytime dictatorship. If that isn’t an overall improvement for television, I don’t know what is.
Rumor has it The Most Interesting Man In The World can convert vegetarians to omnivores just by whispering a few words in their ears, too.

Tara: Look. I was *with you* until this one…

Michael: Just think: One raised eyebrow your way and The Most Interesting Man In The World could cure you of your meatlessness!

Tara: I don’t want anyone to cure my meatlessness. But! If he could make my Mother-In-Law get a hearing aid, that’d be something!

Michael: From what I hear of your Mother-In-Law, that might take extra work! But I’m sure The Most Interesting Man In The World is up to the task.

Tara: And if he could find a way to have someone show up and scoop out my litterboxes! Or outlaw the phrase “Just sayin’.” Or make Ryan Seacrest turn all of his hosting jobs over to me! Then, my friend, he would be incredible.

Michael: *giddily sings Alice Cooper’s “School’s Out” lyrics* “No more pencils! No more books! No more teacher’s dirty looks!” The Most Interesting Man In The World can do this!

Tara: But does he have to use that fake lousy accent?

Michael: S’not fake. I have it on good authority.

Tara: Well then, it’s the fakest accent-that-isn’t fake ever. And just who is this authority?

Michael: Why … the Dos Equis Powers That Be. They’re excellent authorities on many things: Mexican beer, accents and masculine beards for starters. That’s how they found The Most Interesting Man In The World, obvious nemesis of authority spurners the world over.

Tara: Geez. How much are they paying you? Here’s another thing. If his organ donation card also includes his beard, then that means after he kicks it, some doctor will have to skin him to get it. Then they will have to perform a graft onto some other person’s face. I’m nauseous.

Michael: Somewhere, a bearded lady at a circus is drooling….

Tara: But is she drinking a Dos Equis??

Michael: And I’m supposed to know that answer to this … how … ???

Tara: Because she only works one booth over from you. You are between the bearded lady and “The Geek” … right?

Michael: *sigh*

Photo Credit: Cervezas Mexicanas

Categories: | Clack | CommercialClack | General |

20 Responses to “CommercialClack – Define “interesting””

July 3, 2010 at 12:44 PM

Chuck Norris respects him.

July 3, 2010 at 12:50 PM

Germany &%$#ing won! Semifinals! w00t!


Uhm sorry for hijacking your comments



July 5, 2010 at 3:41 AM

If “The Most Interesting Man In The World” could get every vuvuzela removed from the planet, I’d consume Dos Equis through an intravenous line.

July 5, 2010 at 9:42 AM

. . . . .

Sr. Tom: I might be aboard that train …

July 3, 2010 at 12:59 PM

. . . . .

Chuck Norris respects him.

Goes without saying, alex99a.

But … then … there could be those out there that didn’t know this. So maybe it was best it be said afterall …

July 3, 2010 at 1:21 PM

This is why remotes were invented…! Glory glory hallelujah!

July 3, 2010 at 1:31 PM

. . . . .

Michael <——- was remote once


July 3, 2010 at 2:03 PM

I love these commercials, although I admit I prefer the radio commercials. It works better when you don’t see the guy’s face because then he exists only as a mysterious voice at the end of the ad. In the TV commercials, you’re forced to look at this old guy the whole time, and that seriously undercuts his mysteriousness.

And, Tara, THANK YOU – I also want someone to outlaw the phrase, “Just sayin’.”

July 3, 2010 at 3:14 PM

Ruby, I truly believe when people comment “Just sayin” to really, they are really saying “Man, are you wrong, you idiot!” It’s very passive, aggressive. And ego driven. Yergh!

July 3, 2010 at 3:29 PM

. . . . .

You mean … like “whatever”, Tara … ???

Side Note: The Most Interesting Man In The World has never used the word “whatever” as a response…

July 3, 2010 at 2:30 PM

My favorite line from these ads is: “His mother has a tattoo that reads son.”

Also, with one awesome commercial he convinced me to try a Dos Equis. That’s the power this man has. It also helped that the beer was on sale.

July 3, 2010 at 2:38 PM

. . . . .

“Also, with one awesome commercial he convinced me to try a Dos Equis. That’s the power this man has.”

… and there you go …

The Most Interesting Man In The World once said: “It doesn’t take more than one person to talk to a woman …”

Does his power know no bounds … ?!?

July 3, 2010 at 4:01 PM

Heck the monkeys let him in the pool with them, he must be interesting.

But would he be as interesting with a bottle of Rolling Rock on his table? (rofl)

July 3, 2010 at 4:11 PM

And all along i thought Rupe was **THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD**!

July 3, 2010 at 4:22 PM

So did HE Bigdoc, so did he!

July 3, 2010 at 4:26 PM

A true “Legend in His Own Mind”.

July 3, 2010 at 5:00 PM

. . . . .

*currently shoulders the great weight of sarcasm … appreciates the big shoulders and strong legs his genes have so gratefully provided*

July 3, 2010 at 7:15 PM

Chuck Norris is *HIS* wingman.

July 3, 2010 at 8:17 PM

. . . . .

“… so let it be written … so let it be done …”

July 3, 2010 at 8:22 PM

“sharks have a week dedicated to him” gets to me every time. Love it.

Can’t wait for you guys to take on Northwest airlines who keeps inviting me to “grab my bag” because “it’s on.”

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