CliqueClack TV

Being Human – Welcome back, you awesome supernatural Brits!

Man, I love this little BBC show -- it's fast-paced, funny, witty, deep, dark and so far, just as good as series 1 (if not better).

Keith had the chance to sit in on the Being Human panel yesterday at the San Diego Comic-Con. While I still eagerly await the details, he at least told me that we MUST review series 2 of this awesome BBC show. So here I go, keeping up my end … hey Keith, when will you reveal the details?

If you missed series 1, you should probably go back and watch them all … like, right now. Stop reading, because even though it was only six episodes, a ton happened in series 1. I love that about the BBC. Here in America, we wait 21 episodes for something to happen and sometimes it does by the time episode 22 rolls around.

I loved this premiere. It had everything that made the first series great yet continued to grow from there in just one episode. George has definitely kept his new set of stones that he got at the end of the first series, yet they didn’t get the best of him (almost though….). The scene when George breaks down with Nina after he sees Daisy with her daughter was so well done. As disgusting as it was to watch George with Daisy during this episode, it was worth it for the lesson he learned … he’s not going to be like her.

We got rid of Herrick, but it looks like we’ve got a supernatural Hitler on our hands. Instead of racial cleansing, this dude’s going to rid the world of the supes. So far, it works and I trust they won’t make it too hokey. I wonder if the guy knows what a goldmine he’s found at that apartment….

Mitchell so badly wants to be normal (even more so than Annie at the bar … that was odd, to say the least) — I’ll forgive him for the goldfish incident because he was just so happy that his neighbors were accepting him again. Honestly, these Brits are so easy … all it takes is a cup of tea and all is forgiven.

Other moments of awesomeness:

  • “You’re clean.” – Ivan
    “Yes. You should try it.” – Mitchell
    “Oh, so one day I can look like shit too.” – Ivan
  • “It’s a lot to take in … werewolves, ghosts, vampires … I didn’t even believe in homeopathy before this.” – Nina
  • “The disembodied spirit of a dead woman is getting a job in the service industry. What could possibly go wrong?” – Mitchell, about Annie applying for the bartending job at the local pub
  • The doctors’ code for ugly female patients: IWEJIHF (I wouldn’t even jizz in her face). Priceless.
  • Hey, any Buffy reference is a good Buffy reference: When Annie was trying to make Nina feel better about the whole werewolf thing, she mentioned that there was one on Buffy. When Nina said she didn’t watch it, Annie replied, “I stopped watching it once I started living it.”
  • How much did you love George waking up in the woods the morning after, spooning the deer carcass?

What did you think of the series 2 premiere of Being Human?

Photo Credit: BBC Three

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3 Responses to “Being Human – Welcome back, you awesome supernatural Brits!”

July 25, 2010 at 4:12 PM

I don’t want to speak to just the series 2 premiere, but to the show as a whole. I saw the original pilot with Russell Tovey and two other actors playing Mitchell and Annie and I thought it was just okay. Then the pilot was refilmed and I’m pretty sure the script was verbatim, but it seemed the new actors were a better fit for the parts. I still thought it was only in the “okay” territory, but with each passing episode the show just got better by leaps and bounds.

You’re right that only having 6 episodes per series makes for more interesting television. There’s no time to mess around with filler; everything has to be meat. This is a show that, if you aren’t familiar with it, suffers from its own premise. As has oft been said, it sounds like the setup for a bad joke or a stupid comedy, but nothing could be further from the truth.

July 26, 2010 at 7:43 PM

I Just rewatched the first series in preparation for series 2. Despite being only 6 episodes long, there’s plenty of time in there for lengthy dialogs between angsty characters, self exploration, whining, self pity and such. Maybe it’s because the “action” scenes are shot on $1.29 budget and are only 10 seconds long. Don’t get me wrong, I love the show but it’s hardly all meat with no filler.

The leads are great at their parts, the supplemental characters vary from good to caricatures.

The dangling plots threads are very casually dismissed (“Sorry about writing pedo on your front door last week, come in for a cupa”) and the powers, come and go at will.

That being said, I really enjoy this show even if just for the performances by the leads.

July 27, 2010 at 12:11 AM

We’ll have to disagree about meat vs filler, but that’s just a quibble as it’s obvious we’re both fans of the show. You do have an excellent point about the dismissed plot threads, especially the neighbors practically ready with torches and pitchforks one week and then two beats shy of a potluck dinner invite. That was probably the one thing about the show that bothered me the most. The pedophile assumption by the neighbors was just tossed aside when I just knew our supernatural trio was going to have to move. Still a thoroughly enjoyable series even with little loose ends like that.

I’m almost afraid to see what SyFy is going to do with their American version, but I’m not going to vilify it before watching a couple of episodes. That’s assuming they don’t cancel it before it even makes it to air.

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