CliqueClack TV

Happy Anniversary, CommercialClack!

It's Tara and Michael's first Anniversary of collaborating on CommercialClack. But ... will it be their last?

Michael: Holy Shishkabob, Tara! Do you realize with this post we’ve contributed on average an item a week for a year of solid gold CommercialClack hits … ?!? Do you have any idea how many ellipses I’ve used over the course of this little project? As my friend Ranjit might exclaim: “It’s a telecom miracle!”

Tara: A year? I’ve put up with you for a year?? Why didn’t anyone tell me? Doesn’t anyone care about my psychological welfare?

Michael: The silence is almost deafening …

Tara: I feel nauseous! Get me a cold towel for my forehead! *cough cough* I can’t get any air! *gasp … gasp*

Michael: *checks fridge for a snack*

Tara: Don’t you understand? I’ll never get that year back! It’s gone forever! You owe me 365 days. I want them now!

Michael: *throws old calendar Tara’s way*

Tara: That doesn’t count! That’s not funny! No wonder I’ve had to color my hair to cover the grey more frequently this past year. One year with you is like nine in dog years! I need to lie down. Do doctors still make house calls?

Michael: *yeesh* Enough with the drama. Looking back at some the commercials we’ve covered, I know I have my favorites. How about you?

Tara: Oh no! I think my feet are swelling! Are my feet swelling? And one of my back teeth just fell out and I wasn’t even eating anything! That can’t be good!!

Michael: Sounds like a hygiene problem to me. Can’t you just be happy we’ve got a year of CommercialClack beneath our belts? That has to mean something to you …

Tara: *breathes into paper bag , her reply is muffled* Well, I guess it proves I’m steadfast and that which does not kill me makes me stronger. You go ahead and list your damn favorites. I know you want to.

Michael: Tara, I’m trying mightily to contain my joy at contributing to your strength and resolve.

Yes! Favorites! I loved doing the Swing Wing CommercialClack. There were all sorts of interesting things about that product. Schoolhouse Rock was another winner, one I was fond of. And I wonder: Did anyone out there get the connection to the McRib and Tiger Woods pieces?

Tara: I know I didn’t.

Michael: Well … I’m glad one of us was paying attention.

Tara: So why aren’t we famous yet? I mean, besides in Germany.

Michael: Don’t go there, you. That was almost a debacle in and of itself.

Tara: Debacles are what we are all about.

Michael: Really? I didn’t read that in the contract. Speaking of contracts, are we going for Year Two of CommercialClack? If so, I think I remember something about my contract calling for a new partner? If that’s the case, I’m in.

Tara: Sweet! Your turn Ivey.

Photo Credit: Michael Noble

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11 Responses to “Happy Anniversary, CommercialClack!”

July 8, 2011 at 1:49 PM

Okay, in this year of Commercial craziness, did you ever review the old James Garner/Mariette Hartley Polaroid commercials? Can’t imagine what it is about you two that made me think of those, but Tara might consider a T-shirt that says “I am NOT Michael Noble’s wife.”

July 8, 2011 at 2:16 PM

There’s something for Michael and Ivey to consider writing about!

July 8, 2011 at 2:56 PM

. . . . .

Yeah …

I can just see Ivey walking ’round with an “I am NOT Michael Noble’s wife” T-shirt on …

July 8, 2011 at 2:58 PM

Sorry, my shirt would say, “I’m with stoopid.”

July 10, 2011 at 3:37 PM

Ha! Priceless!

July 8, 2011 at 4:58 PM

Happy one year Anniversary! You are such a cute (coughs) couple.

July 10, 2011 at 3:38 PM

Couple of whats? *wink*

July 8, 2011 at 11:26 PM

Well, happy anniversary! This is your “paper” anniversary!

July 10, 2011 at 3:35 PM

Then Michael should send me money, Mikki!

July 10, 2011 at 3:36 PM

I’ll say, Marissa.

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