CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – You’re fired!

No ... it's not about Donald Trump. It *is* about what you would like to do if those words were ever directed your way. Come on! It's CommercialClack! Play along!

Tara: Okay … this is your pick Michael … why?

Michael: Well isn’t it obvious? It’s so over the top, no one would ever believe any of this stuff actually happens.

But! You’d have to admit: Some of these things would be a kick in the pants if they were doable.

Tara: Absolutely. I know I’ve had bad jobs that I was desperate to get out of at any cost. I’m sure you have, too.

Michael: None come to mind, but I’m certain they’re in the recesses there somewhere. I’ve probably suppressed them they were so bad.

Tara: Sometimes suppression is necessary in order to gain better mental health. So they say.

Some of the things these guys do in this ad to get fired I’m on board with. Some are just gross.

Michael: Well, Tara … I don’t see one gross action in the commercial. Whatever do you mean?

Tara: What … ?!? “You might wanna give it a minute in there!” How ’bout that one?

Michael: Well, I’ll admit — that flew over my head. How did I miss that one? I was under the assumption he just used his boss’s restroom … not his desk.

Tara: I can see how you missed it. The whole commercial moves by very fast. Of course, reviewing it I’ve seen it several times now. My favorite part has got to be the woman riding the ostrich. It just made me chortle. At my last job? I so would have done that given the opportunity … just to see my boss’s face.

Michael: An ostrich? Seriously? I can safely say that isn’t an animal I’ve ever fantasized about riding. Now … a rhinoceros … that’s a different story all together.

Tara: I would love to see you on the back of a rhino … as would every other Clacker out there we know. But some of the things they did in this ad were just plain lame.

However … why — no matter how old you get — is sticking an “I’m a jackweed” sign on someone’s back perpetually hilarious? Or … is it just me?

Michael: Well, Tara … that’s because it really is hilarious. I’ve stuck countless signs and insulting statements and demands on people’s backs as a joke. It’s a comedy classic!

Tara: I know … right? And now I’m going to double dog dare you to name the first three people that come to mind you would love to stick that sign on.

Michael: … rut roh … it’s a “double dog” dare … well let’s see.

Off the top of my head? Oprah … our dear Mr. West (who said he would wear a particular T-shirt if he was ever with me) … and the entire cast of Jersey Shore. And if you’re thinking that’s more than three, trust me: Put’em all together and you have one mind between them. They all deserve “jackweed” signs.

Tara: See? We all have people on a list like that. I bet all 3 1/2 of our readers have suggestions as well.  I hope they will comment below.

Michael: But! Tara! You left out the best “getting fired” moment of all: Streaking!

Tara: But … a girl wouldn’t do that.

Michael: But! A guy totally would!

Tara: Michael … although we would all like to see you ride a rhino … nobody wants to see that.

Michael: Well … that’s not what the Glen A. Wilson class of 1980 would say …

Tara: *slinks away*



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4 Responses to “CommercialClack – You’re fired!”

September 2, 2011 at 12:19 PM

Watching the video clip, I couldn’t help but think of and see George Costanza (Seinfeld).

September 2, 2011 at 12:26 PM

Mikki, this is where Michael is going to go on his famous “I’ve never seen an episode of Seinfeld” diatribe. You’ve done it now …

September 3, 2011 at 11:13 AM

. . . . .

“… diatribe …”

Nice … that’s just nice …

September 2, 2011 at 8:21 PM

Okay, call me a Choir Girl, but what, exactly, is a jackweed? Dingle berry I know, as any owner of a dog has seen live and in person dropping onto their carpet. But what is a jackweed?

Or is it just that anything starting with “jack-” is funny?

As to someone I would nominate for a sign on their back, I nominate my personal worst ever boss, Iron-corset*. Only I would use this enormous advertising space to say, “I am Brunhilda!”

*Name has been changed to protect the guilty – but consider it a descriptive change as you could bounce a quarter off any portion of her anatomy … no problem.

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