CliqueClack TV

Quotation Marks – Who needs scripted TV when we can make ourselves laugh?

"I didn’t do those things, by the way." - Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, to everyone he served during the first competition on 'The Celebrity Apprentice'

This past week saw the premiere of the new Tom Hanks behemoth, The Pacific. But while that may be great for HBO, a mini-series about war isn’t likely to be a hotbed of quotable nuggets. But never fear, friends, because we here at CliqueClack have taken care of that for you.

Our own fearless leader in battle, Keith, reached out to our staff to get a feel for everyone’s interest in covering the show. Let’s listen in on what happened:

“I was actually thinking about writing a post about how I don’t like [The Pacific], but I need to stop the comparisons to BoB. I might be able to pick it up, as the second felt much better than the first, and I hear it’s really supposed to pick up in Part Three.” – Ivey

“It’s hard to compare anything to Bob. Bob is awesome in so many ways and also incredibly good looking … Wait, are we talking about the same thing?” – Bob Degon

Those guys!

Quotes from the Ether

“BTW, I’m serious about writing your friends and family to watch #Caprica if you want another season. We WANT to make one, but…” – Syfy Twitter account

30 Rock

“Your Ben and Jerry’s flavor is called Adulte-raisin!” – Liz, on her shock upon learning that Tracy has never cheated on his wife

“Tracy, I know what you’re going through, I got a lot of flack after I ate the pig that played Babe.” – Jenna

“Good God. ‘Ass-atar,’ ‘The Lovely Boners,’ ‘The Hind Side,’ ‘Fresh-Ass Based on the Novel Tush by Ass-phire.’ It’s all pay-per-view porn!” – Jack, reading the pay-per-view titles available from Kabletown

“What do you want with NBC?” – Jack
“Well, buying NBC counts as a charitable donation for tax purposes.” – Dave Hess

The Celebrity Apprentice

“I didn’t do those things, by the way.” – Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, to everyone he served

“How old is Edith?” – Don Jr. to Cyndi, after she said that her friend Edith had a crush on Donald Trump

“You’re beautiful, many of you.” – Trump to the female “celebrities” in the boardroom


“You’ll get one of my deep-fried snacks when you pry it out of my cold, dead hands.” – Dale, upon meeting Evan


“Her subconscious is trying to tell her something. We have to eavesdrop.” – House, regarding the patient’s hallucination
“She was screaming she was being sucked into a black hole, so we should look for a tumor in her anus.” – Taub

The Office

“If they don’t have an iPod by now, they really don’t want one.” – Phyllis

Photo Credit: HBO

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