The Sex and the City (SATC) women have dated a number of awesome guys over the years. So, I decided to poll the CliqueClack crew to see which of the Sex and the City men they liked overall. Rachel responded with an encyclopedic knowledge of the Sex and the City boyfriends. Jaylen picked the guy most similar to his personality, Steve; Kim gave Aidan a high five, while Jen and Deb were too amazed by Rachel’s knowledge to add anything but kudos.
So, sound off in the polls and the comments below about your favorite SATC boytoy!
An: So, who is your favorite SATC boyfriend and why?
- For Carrie, there’s post-it note Berger, adorable guy-next door Aidan, Big, Russian dancer Petrovsky (Mikhail Baryshnikov) and mental patient Jeremy (David Duchovny).
- For Samantha, there’s Jerry “Smith” Jerrod.
- For Miranda, there’s Steven “Steve” Brady.
- And, for Charlotte, there’s Harry Goldenblatt.
So, which if these guys is your favorite SATC boyfriend overall?
Rachel: I would like to add a few boyfriends to the mix… :)
- Carrie also had the “too quick” author boyfriend (Justin Theroux) where she realized she had to break up with his mom in addition to him. There was also the AA guy who took off all his clothes in the street, screaming her name, when he relapsed. There’s the “too young” guy whose apartment resembled a Deadhead’s dorm room, and the bi-curious dude whose party led to her kissing Alanis Morrisette.
- Miranda dated hottie Dr. Robert (Blair Underwood) until she realized that she was meant to be with Steve. There was also the brief Weight Watchers tryst with the crispy creme guy, and the guy who she thought “was just not that into her” when in reality he just had diarrhea from the Indian food they’d just eaten and needed to make a quick exit.
- Samantha’s relationships also included James, the guy who had “a gherkin” down there, as well as Mr. “Too Big.” She also had an on-again, off-again relationship with Richard (James Remar), who was sort of like her own version of Mr. Big: sexy, successful, wealthy, but not committed.
- Charlotte also had some crazy boyfriends, including “up the butt” guy, the guy who kept trying to get her to “go downtown,” and the guy who called her unthinkable names — but only while they had sex. And of course Trey, her ex-husband whose overbearing mother Bunny (Frances Sternhagen) ultimately drove them apart.
- All of the men that the supporting characters wind up with — Smith, Steve, and Harry — are great. I appreciate that all of these relationships went through troubles and came back around stronger than before. I think that each of them were the “unexpected” partner for these women. Samantha thought of herself as a mentor (both career-wise and sex-wise) to Smith instead of a girlfriend. Miranda didn’t want to be with Steve at first because he was “just a bartender,” as well as her belief that no relationship could come out of a one-night stand. And Charlotte certainly didn’t have bald, overweight, hairy-back Harry on her list of potential suitors, until she fell in love with his huge heart.
Jaylen: Hmmm. I was in high school when Sex and the City was on, but my female friends had me catch up in college. I think I remember a few things. My favorite dude is Steve Brady … probably because he reminds me of myself in relationships. I think I’m just as goofy and fun as he is and I can also be as sensitive and forceful. Steve didn’t make a lot of money, and I don’t either — but we both never have to worry about the rent being paid. I feel that Steve was perfect for Miranda because he complemented her uptight personality. He seemed to bring her back down to earth. I like to forget the fact that he cheated on her in the movie. In fact, I like to pretend that the films don’t even exist in the lexicon … especially that last one. Steve is cool. On a side note, I also liked Dr. Robert Leeds (Blair Underwood) for Miranda. He was almost as suave as myself… but he was no Steve!
Kim: Although I love many of the men from Sex and the City (Steve is a lovable goofball, Harry is a sweetheart and there were good things about Berger before the post-it break-up fiasco – remember their adorable Hollywood Kiss in front of the courthouse?), I’d have to say my overall favorite is Aidan Shaw. As Carrie described him the first time she met him, “He was warm, classic and all-American, just like his furniture.”
Tell us! Who was YOUR favorite Sex and the City boyfriend of all time?

Photo Credit: HBO
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At first I was like, “Holy crap! Richard has the top spot!” And then I realized that probably only three other people had voted, so it was tied 33.3% each way ’til Ms. Huge James Remar FanGirl over here came along and moved things a bit! ;)
I just loved Smith, he adored Samantha from the get-go. When she was sick with the cancer he was soo freaking supportive and romantic.
His name is Ayden, not Adrian